Course Description

This course will teach you the historical events that occurred from the moment of Pentecost to the present day. It will also show how Church History is one of the three modes of study (along with Philosophy and Theology) that provide key insight into our human, Catholic identity. 

Will Need: “Timeless: A History of the Catholic Church by Steve Weidenkopf (Our Sunday Visitor, 2018)

Module 1: The Early Church

Pentecost and Persecutions

Reading: From Timeless: A History of the Catholic Church

  • Author Preface
  • Introduction
  • Chapter One- Pentecost and the Spread of the Gospel

Discussion: (Feel free to answer as many or as few of these questions as you like in the discussion forum.)

  • Why is the study of history so integral to the Catholic faith?
  • What is the Holy Spirit’s role in the study of Church History?
  • Explain how Sts. Peter and Paul influenced the Catholic Church both during their lives and after their deaths.
  • Why are papal primacy, and consequentially apostolic succession, necessary components to studying Church History.

Extra Reading: For a more detailed account of what occurred to Christians in the Early Church, read Eusebius Caesarienses’ Historia ecclesiastica (starts on pg. 96 of the digital document). The document includes a thorough description of Eusebius’ life, including the historical context in which he prepared Historia ecclesiastica as well as his biographical information (pg. 1-95).

Module 2: Constantine & Initial Heresies

Constantine & Initial Heresies


Reading: From Timeless: A History of the Catholic Church

  • Chapter 2- The Empire and the Church
  • Chapter 3- Conversions

Discussion: (Feel free to answer as many or as few of these questions as you like in the discussion forum.)

  • Of the three events  mentioned in the video that brought peace to the early Church, which do you think has had the greatest impact as a whole?

  • How did Constantine’s caesaro-papism both help and hinder the progress of the early Catholic Church?

  • Which were the main heresies that needed to be addressed in the early Church? What specifically made these beliefs heretical?

  • Name a few of the heroes of the early Church mentioned in this week’s reading. What made them heroic?

Practical application: The Christian faith is under attack both physically and spiritually even to this very day. Consider donating to an active missionary organization that serves persecuted Catholics. While your money goes a long way, your prayers can do even more; pray for those who are in danger of being killed for their faith by studying how o overcome current heresies that plague our societies. 

Module 3: The Dark Ages and the Rise of Islam

The Dark Ages and the Rise of Islam

Reading: From Timeless: A History of the Catholic Church

  • Chapter 4- Bright Lights in a Dark Time

Discussion: (Feel free to answer as many or as few of these questions as you like in the discussion forum.)

  • Why were the the Dark Ages given the term “dark?”
  • Describe the political situation in Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire. How did this lead to the success of the Moslem religion?
  • Define what is meant by the word “Christendom.” 
  • Describe one of the heroes mentioned in this week’s readings. What did they do to deserve their heroic status?

Extra Reading: The USCCB has created a short, concise document on the history and foundational beliefs of Islam titledUnderstanding Islam: A Guide for Catholic Educators. Even if you aren’t a teacher, it does a great job of laying out Islam’s beliefs and it own’t take you long to grasp some of its complexities. Click here to download the document for free. 

Module 4: The Crusades and Just War Principles

The Crusades and Just War Principles

Reading: From Timeless: A History of the Catholic Church

  • Chapter 5- Cathedrals and Crusades

Discussion: (Feel free to answer as many or as few of these questions as you like in the discussion forum.)

  • Why were the Crusades considered to be “Just Wars?”

  • Are there any international conflicts occurring in tad’s word that could be considered “Just War?”

Module 5: The Wheat and the Chaff

The Wheat and the Chaff

Reading: From Timeless: A History of the Catholic Church

  • Chapter 6- The Family Weakens- A Prelude to Division

Discussion: (Feel free to answer as many or as few of these questions as you like in the discussion forum.)

  • How did the Inquisition help the Catholic faith remain stable during this time in Christendom?
  • How did the Inquisition hinder the spread of Catholic faith in the years to come?
  • Why was St. Catherine Siena’s role so pivotal in our Church’s history?

Extra resources: Click here to read the entire document mentioned in the video from Catholic Answers and the Inquisition.

Module 6: Expert Interview- The protestant Revolt with Steve Weidenkopf

Expert Interview: The Protestant Revolt with Steve Weidenkopf

Reading: From Timeless: A History of the Catholic Church

  • Chapter 7- The Great Divorce- Revolt Against the Church

Discussion: (Feel free to answer as many or as few of these questions as you like in the discussion forum.)

  • What were the happenings and occurrences of the time that led to the Protestant Revolt?
  • Who were the main revolutionaries during the Protestant revolt? Give a brief synopsis of their reasons for revolting. 
Module 7: Our Lady and the Catholic Reformation

Our Lady and the Catholic Reformation

Reading: From Timeless: A History of the Catholic Church

  • Chapter 8- The Great Reform

Discussion: (Feel free to answer as many or as few of these questions as you like in the discussion forum.)

  • What exactly was the Catholic Reformation and how did it differ from the Protestant Revolt?
  • How did Our Lady intervene during the first years of the Catholic Reformation?
  • Describe one of the Saints of the Catholic Reformation and what they did to initiate reforms.

Extra: Pick up a copy of Reform Yourself! How to Pray, Find Peace, and Grow in Faith with the Saints of the Counter-Reformation (Catholic Answers Press, 2017) by Shaun McAfee. It tells the full stories of the key players in the Catholic Reformation. 

Module 8: The Circularity of -isms Against the Faith